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Representation of logic formulas by normal forms

Martina Daňková (2002)


In this paper, we deal with the disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms in the frame of predicate BL-logic and prove theirs conditional equivalence to appropriate formulas. Our aim is to show approximation ability of special normal forms defined by means of reflexive binary predicate.

Representation of uni-nullnorms and null-uninorms on bounded lattices

Yi-Qun Zhang, Ya-Ming Wang, Hua-Wen Liu (2024)


In this paper, we present the representation for uni-nullnorms with disjunctive underlying uninorms on bounded lattices. It is shown that our method can cover the representation of nullnorms on bounded lattices and some of existing construction methods for uni-nullnorms on bounded lattices. Illustrative examples are presented simultaneously. In addition, the representation of null-uninorms with conjunctive underlying uninorms on bounded lattices is obtained dually.

Residual implications and co-implications from idempotent uninorms

Daniel Ruiz, Joan Torrens (2004)


This paper is devoted to the study of implication (and co-implication) functions defined from idempotent uninorms. The expression of these implications, a list of their properties, as well as some particular cases are studied. It is also characterized when these implications satisfy some additional properties specially interesting in the framework of implication functions, like contrapositive symmetry and the exchange principle.

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