Displaying 21 – 40 of 84

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Perfect sets and collapsing continuum

Miroslav Repický (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Under Martin’s axiom, collapsing of the continuum by Sacks forcing 𝕊 is characterized by the additivity of Marczewski’s ideal (see [4]). We show that the same characterization holds true if 𝔡 = 𝔠 proving that under this hypothesis there are no small uncountable maximal antichains in 𝕊 . We also construct a partition of ω 2 into 𝔠 perfect sets which is a maximal antichain in 𝕊 and show that s 0 -sets are exactly (subsets of) selectors of maximal antichains of perfect sets.

Planting Kurepa trees and killing Jech-Кunen trees in a model by using one inaccessible cardinal

Saharon Shelah, R. Jin (1992)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

By an ω 1 - tree we mean a tree of power ω 1 and height ω 1 . Under CH and 2 ω 1 > ω 2 we call an ω 1 -tree a Jech-Kunen tree if it has κ-many branches for some κ strictly between ω 1 and 2 ω 1 . In this paper we prove that, assuming the existence of one inaccessible cardinal, (1) it is consistent with CH plus 2 ω 1 > ω 2 that there exist Kurepa trees and there are no Jech-Kunen trees, which answers a question of [Ji2], (2) it is consistent with CH plus 2 ω 1 = ω 4 that there only exist Kurepa trees with ω 3 -many branches, which answers another...

Pointwise convergence and the Wadge hierarchy

Alessandro Andretta, Alberto Marcone (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that if X is a Σ 1 1 separable metrizable space which is not σ -compact then C p * ( X ) , the space of bounded real-valued continuous functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence, is Borel- Π 1 1 -complete. Assuming projective determinacy we show that if X is projective not σ -compact and n is least such that X is Σ n 1 then C p ( X ) , the space of real-valued continuous functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence, is Borel- Π n 1 -complete. We also prove a simultaneous improvement of theorems of Christensen...

Possible cardinalities of maximal abelian subgroups of quotients of permutation groups of the integers

Saharon Shelah, Juris Steprāns (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If G is a group then the abelian subgroup spectrum of G is defined to be the set of all κ such that there is a maximal abelian subgroup of G of size κ. The cardinal invariant A(G) is defined to be the least uncountable cardinal in the abelian subgroup spectrum of G. The value of A(G) is examined for various groups G which are quotients of certain permutation groups on the integers. An important special case, to which much of the paper is devoted, is the quotient of the full symmetric group by the...

Potential isomorphism and semi-proper trees

Alex Hellsten, Tapani Hyttinen, Saharon Shelah (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study a notion of potential isomorphism, where two structures are said to be potentially isomorphic if they are isomorphic in some generic extension that preserves stationary sets and does not add new sets of cardinality less than the cardinality of the models. We introduce the notion of weakly semi-proper trees, and note that there is a strong connection between the existence of potentially isomorphic models for a given complete theory and the existence of weakly semi-proper trees. ...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 84