A note on a proof of Sherpherdson.
Proof systems with sequents of the form U ⊢ Φ for proving validity of a propositional modal μ-calculus formula Φ over a set U of states in a given model usually handle fixed-point formulae through unfolding, thus allowing such formulae to reappear in a proof. Tagging is a technique originated by Winskel for annotating fixed-point formulae with information about the proof states at which these are unfolded. This information is used later in the proof to avoid unnecessary unfolding, without...
Slaman recently proved that Σₙ collection is provable from Δₙ induction plus exponentiation, partially answering a question of Paris. We give a new version of this proof for the case n = 1, which only requires the following very weak form of exponentiation: " exists for some y sufficiently large that x is smaller than some primitive recursive function of y".