Displaying 141 – 160 of 593

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Domination numbers in graphs with removed edge or set of edges

Magdalena Lemańska (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

It is known that the removal of an edge from a graph G cannot decrease a domination number γ(G) and can increase it by at most one. Thus we can write that γ(G) ≤ γ(G-e) ≤ γ(G)+1 when an arbitrary edge e is removed. Here we present similar inequalities for the weakly connected domination number γ w and the connected domination number γ c , i.e., we show that γ w ( G ) γ w ( G - e ) γ w ( G ) + 1 and γ c ( G ) γ c ( G - e ) γ c ( G ) + 2 if G and G-e are connected. Additionally we show that γ w ( G ) γ w ( G - E ) γ w ( G ) + p - 1 and γ c ( G ) γ c ( G - E ) γ c ( G ) + 2 p - 2 if G and G - Eₚ are connected and Eₚ = E(Hₚ) where Hₚ of order p is a connected...

Edge shift distance between trees

Bohdan Zelinka (1992)

Archivum Mathematicum

Edge shift distance between isomorphism classes of graphs, introduced by M. Johnson, is investigated in the case of trees and compared with other distances.

Edit distance between unlabeled ordered trees

Anne Micheli, Dominique Rossin (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

There exists a bijection between one-stack sortable permutations (permutations which avoid the pattern (231)) and rooted plane trees. We define an edit distance between permutations which is consistent with the standard edit distance between trees. This one-to-one correspondence yields a polynomial algorithm for the subpermutation problem for (231) pattern-avoiding permutations. Moreover, we obtain the generating function of the edit distance between ordered unlabeled trees and some special ones. For...

Embedding complete ternary trees into hypercubes

S.A. Choudum, S. Lavanya (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We inductively describe an embedding of a complete ternary tree Tₕ of height h into a hypercube Q of dimension at most ⎡(1.6)h⎤+1 with load 1, dilation 2, node congestion 2 and edge congestion 2. This is an improvement over the known embedding of Tₕ into Q. And it is very close to a conjectured embedding of Havel [3] which states that there exists an embedding of Tₕ into its optimal hypercube with load 1 and dilation 2. The optimal hypercube has dimension ⎡(log₂3)h⎤ ( = ⎡(1.585)h⎤) or ⎡(log₂3)h⎤+1....

End-faithful spanning trees of countable graphs with prescribed sets of rays

Norbert Polat (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove that a countable connected graph has an end-faithful spanning tree that contains a prescribed set of rays whenever this set is countable, and we show that this solution is, in a certain sense, the best possible. This improves a result of Hahn and Širáň Theorem 1.

Equations relating factors in decompositions into factors of some family of plane triangulations, and applications (with an appendix by Andrzej Schinzel)

Jan Florek (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let be the family of all 2-connected plane triangulations with vertices of degree three or six. Grünbaum and Motzkin proved (in dual terms) that every graph P ∈ has a decomposition into factors P₀, P₁, P₂ (indexed by elements of the cyclic group Q = 0,1,2) such that every factor P q consists of two induced paths of the same length M(q), and K(q) - 1 induced cycles of the same length 2M(q). For q ∈ Q, we define an integer S⁺(q) such that the vector (K(q),M(q),S⁺(q)) determines the graph P (if P is...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 593