Cardinal functions on compact F-spaces and on weakly countably complete Boolean algebras
We deal with some problems posed by Monk [Mo 1], [Mo 3] and related to cardinal invariants of ultraproducts of Boolean algebras. We also introduce and investigate several new cardinal invariants.
We show that if we add any number of Cohen reals to the ground model then, in the generic extension, a locally compact scattered space has at most levels of size ω. We also give a complete ZFC characterization of the cardinal sequences of regular scattered spaces. Although the classes of regular and of 0-dimensional scattered spaces are different, we prove that they have the same cardinal sequences.
Let (α) denote the class of all cardinal sequences of length α associated with compact scattered spaces (or equivalently, superatomic Boolean algebras). Also put . We show that f ∈ (α) iff for some natural number n there are infinite cardinals and ordinals such that and where each . Under GCH we prove that if α < ω₂ then (i) ; (ii) if λ > cf(λ) = ω, ; (iii) if cf(λ) = ω₁, ; (iv) if cf(λ) > ω₁, . This yields a complete characterization of the classes (α) for all α < ω₂,...
The aim this paper is to present an answer to Problem 1 of Monk [10], [11]. We do this by proving in particular that if μ is a strong limit singular cardinal, and then there are Boolean algebras such that . Further we improve this result, deal with the method and the necessity of the assumptions. In particular we prove that if is a ccc Boolean algebra and then satisfies the λ-Knaster condition (using the “revised GCH theorem”).