-vectors, Eulerian polynomials and stable polytopes of graphs.
Hausdorff characterized the class of scattered linear orderings as the least family of linear orderings that includes the ordinals and is closed under ordinal summations and inversions. We formulate and prove a corresponding characterization of the class of scattered partial orderings that satisfy the finite antichain condition (FAC). Consider the least class of partial orderings containing the class of well-founded orderings that satisfy the FAC and is closed under the following operations: (1)...
The infimum of elements a and b of a Hilbert algebra are said to be the compatible meet of a and b, if the elements a and b are compatible in a certain strict sense. The subject of the paper will be Hilbert algebras equipped with the compatible meet operation, which normally is partial. A partial lower semilattice is shown to be a reduct of such an expanded Hilbert algebra i ?both algebras have the same ?lters.An expanded Hilbert algebra is actually an implicative partial semilattice (i.e., a relative...