Semilattices of finite arithmetical algebras
We introduce a weakened form of regularity, the so called semiregularity, and we show that if every diagonal subalgebra of is semiregular then is congruence modular at 0.
Let be the free monoid over a finite alphabet . We prove that a congruence of generated by a finite number of pairs , where and , is always decidable.
It is well known that every congruence regular variety is n-permutable (in the sense of [9]) for some n ≥ 2. For the explicit proof see e.g. [2]. The connections between this n and Mal'cev type characterizations of congruence regularity were studied by G.D. Barbour and J.G. Raftery [1]. The concept of local congruence regularity was introduced in [3]. A common generalization of congruence regularity and local congruence regularity was given in [6] under the name "dual congruence regularity with...
An algebra is said to have the endomorphism kernel property (EKP) if every congruence on is the kernel of some endomorphism of . Three classes of monounary algebras are dealt with. For these classes, all monounary algebras with EKP are described.
We investigate some (universal algebraic) properties of residuated lattices—algebras which play the role of structures of truth values of various systems of fuzzy logic.
We investigate, using results from [[p3]], when a given lattice is isomorphic to the weak subalgebra lattice of a partial algebra of a fixed type. First, we reduce this problem to the question when hyperedges of a hypergraph can be directed to a form of directed hypergraph of a fixed type. Secondly, we show that it is enough to consider some special hypergraphs. Finally, translating these results onto the lattice language, we obtain necessary conditions for our algebraic problem, and also, we completely...
We show that all finite Brouwerian semilattices have strong endomorphism kernel property (SEKP), give a new proof that all finite relative Stone algebras have SEKP and also fully characterize dual generalized Boolean algebras which possess SEKP.
All monounary algebras which have strong endomorphism kernel property are described.