On automorphisms of computability potential scales for -element algebras.
Given an n-ary k-valued function f, gap(f) denotes the minimal number of essential variables in f which become fictive when identifying any two distinct essential variables in f. We particularly solve a problem concerning the explicit determination of n-ary k-valued functions f with 2 ≤ gap(f) ≤ n ≤ k. Our methods yield new combinatorial results about the number of such functions.
For an arbitrary h-ary relation ρ we are interested to express n-clone Polⁿρ in terms of some subsets of the set of all n-ary operations Oⁿ(A) on a finite set A, which are in general not clones but we can obtain Polⁿρ from these sets by using intersection and union. Therefore we specify the concept a function preserves a relation and moreover, we study the properties of this new concept and the connection between these sets and Polⁿρ. Particularly we study for arbitrary partial order relations,...