Displaying 741 – 760 of 1398

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On reverses of some binary operators

Michal Šabo, Peter Strežo (2005)


The notion of reverse of any binary operation on the unit interval is introduced. The properties of reverses of some binary operations are studied and some applications of reverses are indicated.

On schemes for congruence distributivity

I. Chajda, R. Halaš (2004)

Open Mathematics

We present diagrammatic schemes characterizing congruence 3-permutable and distributive algebras. We show that a congruence 3-permutable algebra is congruence meetsemidistributive if and only if it is distributive. We characterize varieties of algebras satisfying the so-called triangular scheme by means of a Maltsev-type condition.

On sets related to maximal clones

Yeni Susanti, Klaus Denecke (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

For an arbitrary h-ary relation ρ we are interested to express n-clone Polⁿρ in terms of some subsets of the set of all n-ary operations Oⁿ(A) on a finite set A, which are in general not clones but we can obtain Polⁿρ from these sets by using intersection and union. Therefore we specify the concept a function preserves a relation and moreover, we study the properties of this new concept and the connection between these sets and Polⁿρ. Particularly we study R a ̲ , b n , k for arbitrary partial order relations,...

On some congruences of power algebras

Agata Pilitowska, Anna Zamojska-Dzienio (2012)

Open Mathematics

In a natural way we can “lift” any operation defined on a set A to an operation on the set of all non-empty subsets of A and obtain from any algebra (A, Ω) its power algebra of subsets. In this paper we investigate extended power algebras (power algebras of non-empty subsets with one additional semilattice operation) of modes (entropic and idempotent algebras). We describe some congruence relations on these algebras such that their quotients are idempotent. Such congruences determine some class...

On some constructions of algebraic objects

Miroslav Novotný (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Mono-unary algebras may be used to construct homomorphisms, subalgebras, and direct products of algebras of an arbitrary type.

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 1398