A special congruence lattice of a regular semigroup.
An algorithm is given to decompose an automorphism of a finite vector space over ℤ₂ into a product of transvections. The procedure uses partitions of the indexing set of a redundant base. With respect to tents, i.e. finite ℤ₂-representations generated by a redundant base, this is a decomposition into base changes.
We study a class of strongly solvable modes, called differential modes. We characterize abelian algebras in this class and prove that all of them are quasi-affine, i.e., they are subreducts of modules over commutative rings.
Given a generating family F of subgroups of a group G closed under conjugation and with partial order compatible with inclusion, a new group S can be constructed, taking into account the multiplication in the subgroups and their mutual actions given by conjugation. The group S is called the active sum of F, has G as a homomorph and is such that S/Z(S) ≅ G/Z(G) where Z denotes the center.The basic question we investigate in this paper is: when is the active sum S of the family F isomorphic to the...
Let be a Hilbert algebra. The monoid of all unary operations on generated by operations , which is actually an upper semilattice w.r.t. the pointwise ordering, is called the adjoint semilattice of . This semilattice is isomorphic to the semilattice of finitely generated filters of , it is subtractive (i.e., dually implicative), and its ideal lattice is isomorphic to the filter lattice of . Moreover, the order dual of the adjoint semilattice is a minimal Brouwerian extension of , and the...
The categorical concept of a theory for algebras of a given type was foundet by Lawvere in 1963 (see [8]). Hoehnke extended this concept to partial heterogenous algebras in 1976 (see [5]). A partial theory is a dhts-category such that the object class forms a free algebra of type (2,0,0) freely generated by a nonempty set J in the variety determined by the identities ox ≈ o and xo ≈ o, where o and i are the elements selected by the 0-ary operation symbols. If the object class of a dhts-category...