Subalgebra lattices of unary algebras and an axiom of choice
In the present paper we consider algebras satisfying both the congruence extension property (briefly the CEP) and the weak congruence intersection property (WCIP for short). We prove that subalgebras of such algebras have these properties. We deduce that a lattice has the CEP and the WCIP if and only if it is a two-element chain. We also show that the class of all congruence modular algebras with the WCIP is closed under the formation of homomorphic images.
J. Płonka in [12] noted that one could expect that the regularization of a variety of unary algebras is a subdirect product of and the variety of all discrete algebras (unary semilattices), but is not the case. The purpose of this note is to show that his expectation is fulfilled for those and only those irregular varieties which are contained in the generalized variety of the so-called trap-directable algebras.
A subtraction semigroup is a semigroup with a further operation "" added, called subtraction and satisfying certain axioms. The paper concerns a problem by B. M. Schein concerning the structure of multiplication in a subtraction semigroup.
The present study develops the Clifford algebra within a dermatological task to diagnose skin melanoma using images of skin lesions, which are modeled here by means of 5D lesion feature vectors (LFVs). The LFV is a numerical approximation of the most used clinical rule for melanoma diagnosis - ABCD. To generate the we develop a new formula that uses the entries of a 5D vector to calculate the entries of a 32D multivector. This vector provides a natural mapping of the original 5D vector onto...