The lattice of subautomata of an automaton: A survey.
The class of all fibered automata is a variety of two-sorted algebras. This paper provides a full description of the lattice of varieties of fibred automata.
The minimal nontrivial endomorphism monoids of congruence lattices of algebras defined on a finite set are described. They correspond (via the Galois connection -) to the maximal nontrivial congruence lattices investigated and characterized by the authors in previous papers. Analogous results are provided for endomorphism monoids of quasiorder lattices .
The main result of this paper is a description of totally commutative idempotent groupoids. In particular, we show that if an idempotent groupoid (G,·) has precisely m ≥ 2 distinct essentially binary polynomials and they are all commutative, then G contains a subgroupoid isomorphic to the groupoid described below. In [2], this fact was proved for m = 2.
A (usual) hypersubstitution of type τ is a function which takes each operation symbol of the type to a term of the type, of the same arity. The set of all hypersubstitutions of a fixed type τ forms a monoid under composition, and semigroup properties of this monoid have been studied by a number of authors. In particular, idempotent and regular elements, and the Green’s relations, have been studied for type (n) by S.L. Wismath. A generalized hypersubstitution of type τ=(n) is a mapping σ which takes...
In this paper it is proved that there does not exist a function for the language of positive and generalized conditional terms that behaves the same as the discriminator for the language of conditional terms.
A method is presented for proving primality and functional completeness theorems, which makes use of the operation-relation duality. By the result of Sierpiński, we have to investigate relations generated by the two-element subsets of only. We show how the method applies for proving Słupecki’s classical theorem by generating diagonal relations from each pair of k-tuples.