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Lucas balancing numbers

Kálmán Liptai (2006)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

A positive n is called a balancing number if 1 + 2 + + ( n - 1 ) = ( n + 1 ) + ( n + 2 ) + + ( n + r ) . We prove that there is no balancing number which is a term of the Lucas sequence.

Lucas sequences and repdigits

Hayder Raheem Hashim, Szabolcs Tengely (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let ( G n ) n 1 be a binary linear recurrence sequence that is represented by the Lucas sequences of the first and second kind, which are { U n } and { V n } , respectively. We show that the Diophantine equation G n = B · ( g l m - 1 ) / ( g l - 1 ) has only finitely many solutions in n , m + , where g 2 , l is even and 1 B g l - 1 . Furthermore, these solutions can be effectively determined by reducing such equation to biquadratic elliptic curves. Then, by a result of Baker (and its best improvement due to Hajdu and Herendi) related to the bounds of the integral points on...

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