Displaying 61 – 80 of 182

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Invariants of a quadratic form attached to a tame covering of schemes

Philippe Cassou-Noguès, Boas Erez, Martin J. Taylor (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We build on preceeding work of Serre, Esnault-Kahn-Viehweg and Kahn to establish a relation between invariants, in modulo 2 étale cohomology, attached to a tamely ramified covering of schemes with odd ramification indices. The first type of invariant is constructed using a natural quadratic form obtained from the covering. In the case of an extension of Dedekind domains, mains, this form is the square root of the inverse different equipped with the trace form. In the case of a covering of Riemann...

Isometries of quadratic spaces

Eva Bayer-Fluckiger (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let k be a global field of characteristic not 2, and let f k [ X ] be an irreducible polynomial. We show that a non-degenerate quadratic space has an isometry with minimal polynomial f if and only if such an isometry exists over all the completions of k . This gives a partial answer to a question of Milnor.

Modular lattices from finite projective planes

Tathagata Basak (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Using the geometry of the projective plane over the finite field 𝔽 q , we construct a Hermitian Lorentzian lattice L q of dimension ( q 2 + q + 2 ) defined over a certain number ring 𝒪 that depends on q . We show that infinitely many of these lattices are p -modular, that is, p L q ' = L q , where p is some prime in 𝒪 such that | p | 2 = q .The Lorentzian lattices L q sometimes lead to construction of interesting positive definite lattices. In particular, if q 3 mod 4 is a rational prime such that ( q 2 + q + 1 ) is norm of some element in [ - q ] , then we find a 2 q ( q + 1 ) dimensional...

On an isotropy criterion for quadratic forms over function fields of curves over non-dyadic complete discrete valuation rings

David Grimm (2016)

Banach Center Publications

Harbater, Hartmann and Krashen obtained in 2015 a criterion for the existence of rational points on projective (or principal) homogeneous varieties for rational connected algebraic groups defined over function fields of normal curves over a complete discrete valuation ring in terms of completions of local rings at special points. This was obtained by a reduction via Artin approximation to a related patching problem solved by the same authors in 2009. In the special case of projective quadrics, we...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 182