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Character sums in complex half-planes

Sergei V. Konyagin, Vsevolod F. Lev (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let A be a finite subset of an abelian group G and let P be a closed half-plane of the complex plane, containing zero. We show that (unless A possesses a special, explicitly indicated structure) there exists a non-trivial Fourier coefficient of the indicator function of A which belongs to P . In other words, there exists a non-trivial character χ G ^ such that a A χ ( a ) P .

Characterization of the torsion of the Jacobians of two families of hyperelliptic curves

Tomasz Jędrzejak (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Consider the families of curves C n , A : y ² = x + A x and C n , A : y ² = x + A where A is a nonzero rational. Let J n , A and J n , A denote their respective Jacobian varieties. The torsion points of C 3 , A ( ) and C 3 , A ( ) are well known. We show that for any nonzero rational A the torsion subgroup of J 7 , A ( ) is a 2-group, and for A ≠ 4a⁴,-1728,-1259712 this subgroup is equal to J 7 , A ( ) [ 2 ] (for a excluded values of A, with the possible exception of A = -1728, this group has a point of order 4). This is a variant of the corresponding results for J 3 , A (A ≠ 4) and J 5 , A . We also almost...

Computing higher rank primitive root densities

P. Moree, P. Stevenhagen (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We extend the "character sum method" for the computation of densities in Artin primitive root problems given by Lenstra and the authors to the situation of radical extensions of arbitrary rank. Our algebraic set-up identifies the key parameters of the situation at hand, and obviates the lengthy analytic multiplicative number theory arguments that used to go into the computation of actual densities. It yields a conceptual interpretation of the formulas obtained, and enables us to extend their range...

Consecutive square-free values of the type x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k , x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k + 1

Ya-Fang Feng (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that for any given integer k there exist infinitely many consecutive square-free numbers of the type x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k , x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k + 1 . We also establish an asymptotic formula for 1 x , y , z H such that x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k , x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k + 1 are square-free. The method we used in this paper is due to Tolev.

Crible asymptotique et sommes de Kloosterman

Jimena Sivak-Fischler (2009)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On montre à l’aide de méthodes de crible, de méthodes issues de la théorie des formes automorphes et de géométrie algébrique ainsi qu’à l’aide de la loi de Sato-Tate verticale que le signe des sommes de Kloosterman Kl ( 1 , 1 ; n ) change une infinité de fois pour n parcourant les entiers sans facteur carré ayant au plus 18 facteurs premiers. Ceci améliore un résultat précédent de Fouvry et Michel qui avaient obtenu 23 à la place de 18 .

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