Sommes de diviseurs et structure multiplicative des entiers
Study of rational cubic forms via the circle method [after D.R. Heath-Brown, C. Hooley, and R.C. Vaughan]
Sum of higher divisor function with prime summands
Let be an integer. Recently, Hu and Lü offered the asymptotic formula for the sum of the higher divisor function where represents the th divisor function. We give the Goldbach-type analogy of their result. That is to say, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the sum where are prime variables.
Sums of Cubes of Square-Free Numbers.
Sums of Cubes of Square-Free Numbers II.
Sums of fifth powers and related topics
Sums of Four Cubes.
Sums of one prime and two prime squares
Sums of three cubes, II
Estimates are provided for sth moments of cubic smooth Weyl sums, when 4 ≤ s ≤ 8, by enhancing the author's iterative method that delivers estimates beyond classical convexity. As a consequence, an improved lower bound is presented for the number of integers not exceeding X that are represented as the sum of three cubes of natural numbers.
Sums of three cubes in three linked three-progressions.
Sur l'approximation du nombre de solutions de certaines équations diophantiennes
Ternary additive problems of Waring's type.
The circle method and pairs of quadratic forms
We give non-trivial upper bounds for the number of integral solutions, of given size, of a system of two quadratic form equations in five variables.
The exceptional set for Diophantine inequality with unlike powers of prime variables
Suppose that are nonzero real numbers, not all negative, , is a well-spaced set, and the ratio is algebraic and irrational. Denote by the number of with such that the inequality has no solution in primes , , , . We show that for any .
The exceptional set of Goldbach numbers (II)
1. Introduction. A positive number which is a sum of two odd primes is called a Goldbach number. Let E(x) denote the number of even numbers not exceeding x which cannot be written as a sum of two odd primes. Then the Goldbach conjecture is equivalent to proving that E(x) = 2 for every x ≥ 4. E(x) is usually called the exceptional set of Goldbach numbers. In [8] H. L. Montgomery and R. C. Vaughan proved that for some positive constant Δ > 0. In this paper we prove the following result. Theorem....
The exponential sum over squarefree integers
The generalized Hardy-Littlewood's problem involving a quadratic polynomial with coprime discriminants
The localisation of primes in arithmetic progressions of irrational modulus
A new method for counting primes in a Beatty sequence is proposed, and it is shown that an asymptotic formula can be obtained for the number of such primes in a short interval.
The number of powers of 2 in a representation of large even integers by sums of such powers and of two primes