Displaying 741 – 760 of 1120

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Représentations des groupes et identités polynomiales

L. Habsieger (1991)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Plusieurs problèmes liés au problème de Waring utilisent des identités où l’on exprime une forme linéaire en x comme somme ou différence de puissances k -ièmes de formes linéaires en x . La plupart de ces identités sont fournies par des solutions au problème de Tarry-Escott, sauf deux d’entre elles, dues à Rao et Vaserstein. Nous montrons que ces deux identités sont naturellement liées aux groupes S 2 × S 2 et S 3 , puis développons une théorie qui permet d’associer à chaque groupe fini quelques identités de...

Restricted set addition in Abelian groups: results and conjectures

Vsevolod F. Lev (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We present a system of interrelated conjectures which can be considered as restricted addition counterparts of classical theorems due to Kneser, Kemperman, and Scherk. Connections with the theorem of Cauchy-Davenport, conjecture of Erdős-Heilbronn, and polynomial method of Alon-Nathanson-Ruzsa are discussed.The paper assumes no expertise from the reader and can serve as an introduction to the subject.

Restriction theory of the Selberg sieve, with applications

Ben Green, Terence Tao (2006)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The Selberg sieve provides majorants for certain arithmetic sequences, such as the primes and the twin primes. We prove an L 2 L p restriction theorem for majorants of this type. An immediate application is to the estimation of exponential sums over prime k -tuples. Let a 1 , , a k and b 1 , , b k be positive integers. Write h ( θ ) : = n X e ( n θ ) , where X is the set of all n N such that the numbers a 1 n + b 1 , , a k n + b k are all prime. We obtain upper bounds for h L p ( 𝕋 ) , p > 2 , which are (conditionally on the Hardy-Littlewood prime tuple conjecture) of the correct order...

Self-conjugate vector partitions and the parity of the spt-function

George E. Andrews, Frank G. Garvan, Jie Liang (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let spt(n) denote the total number of appearances of the smallest parts in all the partitions of n. Recently, we found new combinatorial interpretations of congruences for the spt-function modulo 5 and 7. These interpretations were in terms of a restricted set of weighted vector partitions which we call S-partitions. We prove that the number of self-conjugate S-partitions, counted with a certain weight, is related to the coefficients of a certain mock theta function studied by the first author,...

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 1120