Additional signals in linear discrete-time control systems. III. Additional disturbance feedforward
This paper is devoted to some variants of the Hilbert specialization property. For example, the RG-hilbertian property (for a field K), which arose in connection with the Inverse Galois Problem, requires that the specialization property holds solely for extensions of K(T) that are Galois and regular over K. We show that fields inductively obtained from a real hilbertian field by adjoining real pth roots (p odd prime) are RG-hilbertian; some of these fields are not hilbertian. There are other variants...
In this paper we give a term equivalence between the simple k-cyclic Post algebra of order p, L p,k, and the finite field F(p k) with constants F(p). By using Lagrange polynomials, we give an explicit procedure to obtain an interpretation Φ1 of the variety V(L p,k) generated by L p,k into the variety V(F(p k)) generated by F(p k) and an interpretation Φ2 of V(F(p k)) into V(L p,k) such that Φ2Φ1(B) = B for every B ε V(L p,k) and Φ1Φ2(R) = R for every R ε V(F(p k)).
A completely primary ring is a ring R with identity 1 ≠ 0 whose subset of zero-divisors forms the unique maximal ideal . We determine the structure of the group of automorphisms Aut(R) of a completely primary finite ring R of characteristic p, such that if is the Jacobson radical of R, then ³ = (0), ² ≠ (0), the annihilator of coincides with ² and , the finite field of elements, for any prime p and any positive integer r.