Normal Polynomials in Simple Extension Fields III.
Dans cet article, nous exploitons la réductibilité d’un polynôme d’une variable pour calculer efficacement l’idéal des relations algébriques entre ses racines.
Dans cet article, nous exploitons la réductibilité d'un polynôme d'une variable pour calculer efficacement l'idéal des relations algébriques entre ses racines.
We give a characterization of the irreducible components of a Weierstrass-type (W-type) analytic (resp. algebraic, Nash) variety in terms of the orbits of a Galois group associated in a natural way to this variety. Since every irreducible variety of pure dimension is (locally) a component of a W-type variety, this description may be applied to any such variety.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12F12, 15A66.In this article we survey and examine the realizability of p-groups as Galois groups over arbitrary fields. In particular we consider various cohomological criteria that lead to necessary and sufficient conditions for the realizability of such a group as a Galois group, the embedding problem (i.e., realizability over a given subextension), descriptions of such extensions, automatic realizations among p-groups, and related topics.
0. Introduction. Since ℤ is a principal ideal domain, every finitely generated torsion-free ℤ-module has a finite ℤ-basis; in particular, any fractional ideal in a number field has an "integral basis". However, if K is an arbitrary number field the ring of integers, A, of K is a Dedekind domain but not necessarily a principal ideal domain. If L/K is a finite extension of number fields, then the fractional ideals of L are finitely generated and torsion-free (or, equivalently, finitely generated and...