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Star operations in extensions of integral domains

David F. Anderson, Said El Baghdadi, Muhammad Zafrullah (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

An extension D R of integral domains is strongly t -compatible (resp., t -compatible) if ( I R ) - 1 = ( I - 1 R ) v (resp., ( I R ) v = ( I v R ) v ) for every nonzero finitely generated fractional ideal I of D . We show that strongly t -compatible implies t -compatible and give examples to show that the converse does not hold. We also indicate situations where strong t -compatibility and its variants show up naturally. In addition, we study integral domains D such that D R is strongly t -compatible (resp., t -compatible) for every overring R of D .

Submersions and effective descent of étale morphisms

David Rydh (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Using the flatification by blow-up result of Raynaud and Gruson, we obtain new results for submersive and subtrusive morphisms. We show that universally subtrusive morphisms, and in particular universally open morphisms, are morphisms of effective descent for the fibered category of étale morphisms. Our results extend and supplement previous treatments on submersive morphisms by Grothendieck, Picavet and Voevodsky. Applications include the universality of geometric quotients and the elimination...

Sur la structure du groupe d'automorphismes de certaines surfaces affines.

Stéphane Lamy (2005)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We describe the structure of the group of algebraic automorphisms of the following surfaces 1) P1,k x P1,k minus a diagonal; 2) P1,k x P1,k minus a fiber. The motivation is to get a new proof of two theorems proven respectively by L. Makar-Limanov and H. Nagao. We also discuss the structure of the semi-group of polynomial proper maps from C2 to C2.

Sur les Extensions Triviales Commutatives

Farid Kourki (2009)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Nous caractérisons les extensions triviales semiGoldie, de cogénération finie, mininjectives et quasi-Frobeniusiens. Comme application, nous montrons que tout anneau noethérien s’injecte dans un anneau quasi-Frobeniusien.

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