Tate resolutions for commutative graded algebras over a local ring
Let X be a quotient surface singularity, and define as the directed graph of maximal Cohen-Macaulay (MCM) modules with edges corresponding to deformation incidences. We conjecture that the number of connected components of is equal to the order of the divisor class group of X, and when X is a rational double point (RDP), we observe that this follows from a result of A. Ishii. We view this as an enrichment of the McKay correspondence. For a general quotient singularity X, we prove the conjecture...
In this paper the concept of the second submodule (the dual notion of prime submodule) is introduced.
Let be a polynomial ring in variables and let be a strictly increasing sequence of integers. Boij and Söderberg conjectured the existence of graded -modules of finite length having pure free resolution of type in the sense that for the -th syzygy module of has generators only in degree .This paper provides a construction, in characteristic zero, of modules with this property that are also -equivariant. Moreover, the construction works over rings of the form where is a polynomial...