Displaying 21 – 40 of 559

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A variant theory for the Gorenstein flat dimension

Samir Bouchiba (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

This paper discusses a variant theory for the Gorenstein flat dimension. Actually, since it is not yet known whether the category (R) of Gorenstein flat modules over a ring R is projectively resolving or not, it appears legitimate to seek alternate ways of measuring the Gorenstein flat dimension of modules which coincide with the usual one in the case where (R) is projectively resolving, on the one hand, and present nice behavior for an arbitrary ring R, on the other. In this paper, we introduce...

About G-rings

Najib Mahdou (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we are concerned with G-rings. We generalize the Kaplansky’s theorem to rings with zero-divisors. Also, we assert that if R T is a ring extension such that m T R for some regular element m of T , then T is a G-ring if and only if so is R . Also, we examine the transfer of the G-ring property to trivial ring extensions. Finally, we conclude the paper with illustrative examples discussing the utility and limits of our results.

Adic-completion and some dual homological results.

Anne-Marie Simon (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let a be an ideal of a commutative ring A. There is a kind of duality between the left derived functors Uia of the a-adic completion functor, called local homology functors, and the local cohomology functors Hai.Some dual results are obtained for these Uia, and also inequalities involving both local homology and local cohomology when the ring A is noetherian or more generally when the Ua and Ha-global dimensions of A are finite.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 559