Tate resolution and the structure of the exact local ring
The most fundamental complexes of free modules over a commutative ring are the Koszul complex, which is constructed from a vector (i.e., a 1-tensor), and the Eagon-Northcott and Buchsbaum-Rim complexes, which are constructed from a matrix (i.e., a 2-tensor). The subject of this paper is a multilinear analogue of these complexes, which we construct from an arbitrary higher tensor. Our construction provides detailed new examples of minimal free resolutions, as well as a unifying view on a wide variety...
We calculate the homology and the cycles in tensor products of algebras of symmetric function over ℤ2
Using syzygies computed via Gröbner bases techniques, we present algorithms for testing some homological properties for submodules of the free module , where A = R[x₁,...,xₙ] and R is a Noetherian commutative ring. We will test if a given submodule M of is flat. We will also check if M is locally free of constant dimension. Moreover, we present an algorithm that computes the rank of a flat submodule M of and also an algorithm that computes the projective dimension of an arbitrary submodule...