Le Nullstellensatz de Hilbert et les Polynomes à Valeurs Entières.
We construct and study length 2 variables of A[x,y] (A is a commutative ring). If A is an integral domain, we determine among these variables those which are tame. If A is a UFD, we prove that these variables are all stably tame. We apply this construction to show that some polynomials of A[x₁,...,xₙ] are variables using transfer.
Let k be a field, let be a finite group. We describe linear -gradings of the polynomial algebra k[x 1, ..., x m] such that the unit component is a polynomial k-algebra.
We give a description of all local derivations (in the Kadison sense) in the polynomial ring in one variable in characteristic two. Moreover, we describe all local derivations in the power series ring in one variable in any characteristic.