L2-cohomology and intersection homology of certain algebraic varieties with isolated singularities.
On donne des évaluations précises de la croissance modérée des intégrales de fonctions de classe de Nilsson locale dans , exprimées par des caractéristiques topologiques des courbes de ramification des intégrands.
The aim of this paper is to show that on ℙ¹ × ℙ¹ with a polarization of type (2,1) there are no R-R expected submaximal curves through any 10 ≤ r ≤ 15 points.
Inspired by Manin’s approach towards a geometric interpretation of Arakelov theory at infinity, we interpret in this paper non-Archimedean local intersection numbers of linear cycles in with the combinatorial geometry of the Bruhat-Tits building associated to .
The local Nullstellensatz exponent for holomorphic mappings via intersection theory for the cases of isolated and quasi-complete intersection is considered.