The border cases of the lifting theorem for surfaces in P4.
Let be a commutative -algebra where is a ring containing the rationals. We prove the existence of a Chern character for Lie-Rinehart algebras over A with values in the Lie-Rinehart cohomology of L which is independent of choice of a -connection. Our result generalizes the classical Chern character from the -theory of to the algebraic De Rham cohomology.
By a classical formula due to Enriques, the Euler number χ(X) of the non-singular normalization X of an algebraic surface S with ordinary singularities in P³(ℂ) is given by χ(X) = n(n²-4n+6) - (3n-8)m + 3t - 2γ, where n is the degree of S, m the degree of the double curve (singular locus) of S, t is the cardinal number of the triple points of S, and γ the cardinal number of the cuspidal points of S. In this article we shall give a similar formula for an algebraic threefold with ordinary singularities...
For a proper local embedding between two Deligne-Mumford stacks and , we find, under certain mild conditions, a new (possibly non-separated) Deligne-Mumford stack , with an etale, surjective and universally closed map to the target , and whose fiber product with the image of the local embedding is a finite union of stacks with corresponding etale, surjective and universally closed maps to . Moreover, a natural set of weights on the substacks of allows the construction of a universally closed...
We describe the tautological ring of the moduli space of stable -pointed curves of genus one of compact type. It is proven that it is a Gorenstein algebra.