Linearly normal curves in and .
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14H45, 14H50, 14J26.We construct linearly normal curves covering a big range from P^n, n ≥ 6 (Theorems 1.7, 1.9). The problem of existence of such algebraic curves in P^3 has been solved in [4], and extended to P^4 and P^5 in [10]. In both these papers is used the idea appearing in [4] and consisting in adding hyperplane sections to the curves constructed in [6] (for P^3) and [15, 11] (for P^4 and P^5) on some special surfaces. In the present paper we apply...
Soient un fibré de rang 2 sur l’espace projectif de dimension 3 sur un corps algébriquement clos et un entier tel que et . Toute courbe schéma des zéros d’une section non nulle de est une courbe minimale dans sa classe de biliaison.
Recall that a closed subscheme X ⊂ P is non-obstructed if the corresponding point x of the Hilbert scheme Hilbp(t)n is non-singular. A geometric characterization of non-obstructedness is not known even for smooth space curves. The goal of this work is to prove that subcanonical k-Buchsbaum, k ≤ 2, space curves are non-obstructed. As a main tool we use Serre's correspondence between subcanonical curves and vector bundles.
Using BMY inequality and a Milnor number bound we prove that any algebraic annulus in with no self-intersections can have at most three cuspidal singularities.