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Orthogonal bundles on curves and theta functions

Arnaud Beauville (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let be the moduli space of principal SO r -bundles on a curve C , and the determinant bundle on . We define an isomorphism of H 0 ( , ) onto the dual of the space of r -th order theta functions on the Jacobian of C . This isomorphism identifies the rational map | | * defined by the linear system | | with the map | r Θ | which associates to a quadratic bundle ( E , q ) the theta divisor Θ E . The two components + and - of are mapped into the subspaces of even and odd theta functions respectively. Finally we discuss the analogous...

Osservazioni sullo spazio dei moduli delle curve trigonali

Fabio Bardelli, Andrea Del Centina (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Let C be an algebraic projective smooth and trigonal curve of genus g 5 . In this paper we define, in a way equivalent to that followed by A. Maroni in [1], an integer m , called the species of C , which is a birational invariant having the property that 0 m g + 2 3 and m g 0 mod(2). In section 1 we prove that for every g ( 5 ) and every m , as before, there are trigonal curves of genus g and species m . In section 2 we define the space g , 3 ; m 1 of moduli of trigonal curves of genus g and species m . We note that g , 3 ; m 1 is irreducible...

Ouverts analytiques d'une courbe algébrique en géométrie rigide

Qing Liu (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous étudions les espaces analytiques rigides de dimension 1, réguliers, de genre fini sur un corps valué complet k . Nous montrons qu’un tel espace X admet une réduction préstable. Si k est maximalement complet, X se plonge dans une courbe algébrique (analytifiée). On donne aussi une caractérisation des espaces analytiques qui sont le complémentaire d’une partie compacte dans une courbe algébrique.

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