On ramification and genus of recursive towers.
The classical Segre theory gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a plane curve to be a branch curve of a (generic) projection of a smooth surface in . We generalize this result for smooth surfaces in a projective space of any dimension in the following way: given two plane curves, and , we give a necessary and sufficient condition for to be the branch curve of a surface in and to be the image of the double curve of a -model of . In the classical Segre theory, a plane curve...
Sia una curva irriducibile nodale di genere aritmetico . In queste note vogliamo mostrare come il sistema lineare delle quadriche, contenenti un opportuno modello proiettivo della curva, permette di descrivere i fibrati vettoriali semistabili, di rango , su .
T. Dokchitser [Acta Arith. 126 (2007)] showed that given an elliptic curve E defined over a number field K then there are infinitely many degree 3 extensions L/K for which the rank of E(L) is larger than E(K). In the present paper we show that the same is true if we replace 3 by any prime number. This result follows from a more general result establishing a similar property for the Jacobian varieties associated with curves defined by an equation of the shape f(y) = g(x) where f and g are polynomials...
We extend results on reconstructing a polynomial automorphism from its restriction to the coordinate hyperplanes to some wider class of algebraic surfaces. We show that the algorithm proposed by M. Kwieciński in [K2] and based on Gröbner bases works also for this class of surfaces.
Some results and problems that arise in connection with the foundations of the theory of ruled and rational field extensions are discussed.