On abelian automorphism group of a surface of general type.
The moduli space M of surfaces of general type with pg = q = 1, K2 = g = 3 (where g is the genus of the Albanese fibration) was constructed by Catanese and Ciliberto in [14]. In this paper we characterize the subvariety M2 ⊂ M corresponding to surfaces containing a genus 2 pencil, and moreover we show that there exists a non-empty, dense subset M0 ⊂ M which parametrizes isomorphism classes of surfaces with birational bicanonical map.
This paper classifies surfaces of general type with having an involution such that has non-negative Kodaira dimension and that the bicanonical map of factors through the double cover induced by It is shown that is regular and either: a) the Albanese fibration of is of genus 2 or b) has no genus 2 fibration and is birational to a surface. For case a) a list of possibilities and examples are given. An example for case b) with is also constructed.
Here we give an explicit polynomial bound (in term of and not depending on the prime ) for the order of the automorphism group of a minimal surface of general type defined over a field of characteristic .
Here we give an upper polynomial bound (as function of but independent on ) for the order of a -subgroup of with minimal surface of general type defined over the field with . Then we discuss the non existence of similar bounds for the dimension as -vector space of the structural sheaf of the scheme .