Tate duality and wild ramification.
Let be a finite extension over and the ring of integers. We prove the equivalence of categories between the category of Kisin modules of height 1 and the category of Barsotti-Tate groups over .
We study the integral model of the Drinfeld modular curve for a prime . A function field analogue of the theory of Igusa curves is introduced to describe its reduction mod . A result describing the universal deformation ring of a pair consisting of a supersingular Drinfeld module and a point of order in terms of the Hasse invariant of that Drinfeld module is proved. We then apply Jung-Hirzebruch resolution for arithmetic surfaces to produce a regular model of which, after contractions in...
For any prime number p > 3 we compute the formal completion of the Néron model of J0(p) in terms of the action of the Hecke algebra on the Z-module of all cusp forms (of weight 2 with respect to Γ0(p)) with integral Fourier development at infinity.
Les chtoucas locaux sont des analogues en égales caractéristiques des groupes -divisibles — par exemple on leur associe un module de Tate, qui est un module libre sur l’anneau d’entiers d’un corps local de caractéristique positive. Nous associons à un chtouca local une structure de Hodge (ou, plus précisément, une structure de Hodge-Pink), ce qui induit un morphisme de périodes analogue à celui construit par Rapoport et Zink. Pour les structures de Hodge-Pink définies sur une extension finie...
The diverse Dieudonné theories have as their common goal the classification of formal groups and -divisible groups. The most recent theory is Zink’s theory of displays. A display over a ring R is a finitely generated projective module over the ring of Witt vectors, , equipped with additional structures. Zink has shown that using this notion, more concrete than those previously defined, one can obtain a good theory and prove an equivalence theorem in great generality. I will give an overview of...