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A categorical quotient in the category of dense constructible subsets

Devrim Celik (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A. A'Campo-Neuen and J. Hausen gave an example of an algebraic torus action on an open subset of the affine four space that admits no quotient in the category of algebraic varieties. We show that this example admits a quotient in the category of dense constructible subsets and thereby answer a question of A. Białynicki-Birula.

A combinatorial construction of sets with good quotients by an action of a reductive group

Joanna Święcicka (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is to construct open sets with good quotients by an action of a reductive group starting with a given family of sets with good quotients. In particular, in the case of a smooth projective variety X with Pic(X) = 𝒵, we show that all open sets with good quotients that embed in a toric variety can be obtained from the family of open sets with projective good quotients. Our method applies in particular to the case of Grassmannians.

A general Hilbert-Mumford criterion

Jürgen Hausen (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let a reductive group G act on an algebraic variety X . We give a Hilbert-Mumford type criterion for the construction of open G -invariant subsets V X admitting a good quotient by G .

A geometric algorithm for the output functional controllability in general manipulation systems and mechanisms

Paolo Mercorelli (2012)


In this paper the control of robotic manipulation is investigated. Manipulation system analysis and control are approached in a general framework. The geometric aspect of manipulation system dynamics is strongly emphasized by using the well developed techniques of geometric multivariable control theory. The focus is on the (functional) control of the crucial outputs in robotic manipulation, namely the reachable internal forces and the rigid-body object motions. A geometric control procedure is outlined...

A geometric procedure for robust decoupling control of contact forces in robotic manipulation

Paolo Mercorelli, Domenico Prattichizzo (2003)


This paper deals with the problem of controlling contact forces in robotic manipulators with general kinematics. The main focus is on control of grasping contact forces exerted on the manipulated object. A visco-elastic model for contacts is adopted. The robustness of the decoupling controller with respect to the uncertainties affecting system parameters is investigated. Sufficient conditions for the invariance of decoupling action under perturbations on the contact stiffness and damping parameters...

A Geometrical Construction for the Polynomial Invariants of some Reflection Groups

Sarti, Alessandra (2005)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 20F55, 13F20; Secondary 14L30.We construct invariant polynomials for the reflection groups [3, 4, 3] and [3, 3, 5] by using some special sets of lines on the quadric P1 × P1 in P3. Then we give a simple proof of the well known fact that the ring of invariants are rationally generated in degree 2,6,8,12 and 2,12,20,30.

A Hilbert-Mumford criterion for SL₂-actions

Jürgen Hausen (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let the special linear group G : = SL₂ act regularly on a ℚ-factorial variety X. Consider a maximal torus T ⊂ G and its normalizer N ⊂ G. We prove: If U ⊂ X is a maximal open N-invariant subset admitting a good quotient U → U ⃫N with a divisorial quotient space, then the intersection W(U) of all translates g · U is open in X and admits a good quotient W(U) → W(U) ⃫G with a divisorial quotient space. Conversely, we show that every maximal open G-invariant subset W ⊂ X admitting a good quotient W...

A remark on quiver varieties and Weyl groups

Andrea Maffei (2002)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

In this paper we define an action of the Weyl group on the quiver varieties M m , λ ( v ) with generic ( m , λ ) .

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