Mapping threefolds onto three-dimensional quadrics.
The Cox ring provides a coordinate system on a toric variety analogous to the homogeneous coordinate ring of projective space. Rational maps between projective spaces are described using polynomials in the coordinate ring, and we generalise this to toric varieties, providing a unified description of arbitrary rational maps between toric varieties in terms of their Cox coordinates. Introducing formal roots of polynomials is necessary even in the simplest examples.
Lakshmibai, Mehta and Parameswaran (LMP) introduced the notion of maximal multiplicity vanishing in Frobenius splitting. In this paper we define the algebraic analogue of this concept and construct a Frobenius splitting vanishing with maximal multiplicity on the diagonal of the full flag variety. Our splitting induces a diagonal Frobenius splitting of maximal multiplicity for a special class of smooth Schubert varieties first considered by Kempf. Consequences are Frobenius splitting of tangent bundles,...
A well known result of Miyaoka asserts that a complex projective manifold is uniruled if its cotangent bundle restricted to a general complete intersection curve is not nef. Using the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of the tangent bundle, it can moreover be shown that the choice of such a curve gives rise to a rationally connected foliation of the manifold. In this note we show that, conversely, a movable curve can be found so that the maximal rationally connected fibration of the manifold may be recovered...
A geodesic of a homogeneous Riemannian manifold is called homogeneous if it is an orbit of an one-parameter subgroup of . In the case when is a naturally reductive space, that is the -invariant metric is defined by some non degenerate biinvariant symmetric bilinear form , all geodesics of are homogeneous. We consider the case when is a flag manifold, i.eȧn adjoint orbit of a compact semisimple Lie group , and we give a simple necessary condition that admits a non-naturally reductive...
A combinatorial description of the minimal free resolution of a lattice ideal allows us to the connection of Integer Linear Programming and Al1gebra. The non null reduced homology spaces of some simplicial complexes are the key. The extremal rays of the associated cone reduce the number of variables.
In this paper we introduce the notion of modified Nash triviality for a family of zero sets of real polynomial map-germs as a desirable one. We first give a Nash isotopy lemma which is a useful tool to show triviality.Then, using it, we prove two types of modified Nash triviality theorem and a finite classification theorem for this triviality. These theorems strengthen similar topological results.