Factorialite de l΄algebre affine de certaines formes quadratiques
A great deal of recent activity has centered on the question of whether, for a given Hilbert function, there can fail to be a unique minimum set of graded Betti numbers, and this is closely related to the question of whether the associated Hilbert scheme is irreducible or not. We give a broad class of Hilbert functions for which we show that there is no minimum, and hence that the associated Hilbert sheme is reducible. Furthermore, we show that the Weak Lefschetz Property holds for the general element...
O’Grady showed that certain special sextics in called EPW sextics admit smooth double covers with a holomorphic symplectic structure. We propose another perspective on these symplectic manifolds, by showing that they can be constructed from the Hilbert schemes of conics on Fano fourfolds of degree ten. As applications, we construct families of Lagrangian surfaces in these symplectic fourfolds, and related integrable systems whose fibers are intermediate Jacobians.
Let be a connected real semi-simple Lie group and a closed connected subgroup. Let be a minimal parabolic subgroup of . It is shown that has an open orbit on the flag manifold if and only if it has finitely many orbits on . This confirms a conjecture by T. Matsuki.
The product of two Schubert classes in the quantum -theory ring of a homogeneous space is a formal power series with coefficients in the Grothendieck ring of algebraic vector bundles on . We show that if is cominuscule, then this power series has only finitely many non-zero terms. The proof is based on a geometric study of boundary Gromov-Witten varieties in the Kontsevich moduli space, consisting of stable maps to that take the marked points to general Schubert varieties and whose domains...
Equivariant tree models are statistical models used in the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from genetic data. Here equivariant§ refers to a symmetry group imposed on the root distribution and on the transition matrices in the model. We prove that if that symmetry group is Abelian, then the Zariski closures of these models are defined by polynomial equations of bounded degree, independent of the tree. Moreover, we show that there exists a polynomial-time membership test for that Zariski closure....
Let be a smooth, affine complex variety, which, considered as a complex manifold, has the singular -cohomology of a point. Suppose that is a complex algebraic group acting algebraically on . Our main results are the following: if is semi-simple, then the generic fiber of the quotient map contains a dense orbit. If is connected and reductive, then the action has fixed points if .