Displaying 301 – 320 of 561

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On the genus of reducible surfaces and degenerations of surfaces

Alberto Calabri, Ciro Ciliberto, Flaminio Flamini, Rick Miranda (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We deal with a reducible projective surface X with so-called Zappatic singularities, which are a generalization of normal crossings. First we compute the ω -genus p ω ( X ) of X , i.e. the dimension of the vector space of global sections of the dualizing sheaf ω X . Then we prove that, when X is smoothable, i.e. when X is the central fibre of a flat family π : 𝒳 Δ parametrized by a disc, with smooth general fibre, then the ω -genus of the fibres of π is constant.

On the gonality of curves in 𝐏 n

Edoardo Ballico (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Here we study the gonality of several projective curves which arise in a natural way (e.gċurves with maximal genus in 𝐏 n , curves with given degree d and genus g for all possible d , g if n = 3 and with large g for arbitrary ( d , g , n ) ).

On the k-regularity of some proyective manifolds.

Alberto Alzati, Gian Mario Besana (1998)

Collectanea Mathematica

The conjecture on the (degree-codimension + 1) - regularity of projective varieties is proved for smooth linearly normal polarized varieties (X,L) with L very ample, for low values of Delta(X,L) = degree-codimension-1. Results concerning the projective normality of some classes of special varieties including scrolls over curves of genus 2 and quadric fibrations over elliptic curves, are proved.

On the moduli b-divisors of lc-trivial fibrations

Osamu Fujino, Yoshinori Gongyo (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Roughly speaking, by using the semi-stable minimal model program, we prove that the moduli part of an lc-trivial fibration coincides with that of a klt-trivial fibration induced by adjunction after taking a suitable generically finite cover. As an application, we obtain that the moduli part of an lc-trivial fibration is b-nef and abundant by Ambro’s result on klt-trivial fibrations.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 561