Displaying 261 – 280 of 456

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A tensor approximation method based on ideal minimal residual formulations for the solution of high-dimensional problems

M. Billaud-Friess, A. Nouy, O. Zahm (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we propose a method for the approximation of the solution of high-dimensional weakly coercive problems formulated in tensor spaces using low-rank approximation formats. The method can be seen as a perturbation of a minimal residual method with a measure of the residual corresponding to the error in a specified solution norm. The residual norm can be designed such that the resulting low-rank approximations are optimal with respect to particular norms of interest, thus allowing to take...

A topology over a set of systems

Gaspar Martínez Mora (1996)

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales

The systems of an arbitrary number of linear inequalities OVer a real locally convex space have been classified in three classes, namely: consistent, weakly inconsistent and strongly inconsistent, i.e. having ordinary solutions, weak solutions or notsolutions respectively. In this paper, the third type is divided in two classes: strict-strongly and quasi-strongly inconsistent and is given a topology over a quotient space of the set of systems over finite- dimensional spaces, that yields a set of...

A transvection decomposition in GL(n,2)

Clorinda De Vivo, Claudia Metelli (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

An algorithm is given to decompose an automorphism of a finite vector space over ℤ₂ into a product of transvections. The procedure uses partitions of the indexing set of a redundant base. With respect to tents, i.e. finite ℤ₂-representations generated by a redundant base, this is a decomposition into base changes.

A treatment of a determinant inequality of Fiedler and Markham

Minghua Lin (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Fiedler and Markham (1994) proved det H ^ k k det H , where H = ( H i j ) i , j = 1 n is a positive semidefinite matrix partitioned into n × n blocks with each block k × k and H ^ = ( tr H i j ) i , j = 1 n . We revisit this inequality mainly using some terminology from quantum information theory. Analogous results are included. For example, under the same condition, we prove det ( I n + H ^ ) det ( I n k + k H ) 1 / k .

A tutorial on conformal groups

Ian Porteous (1996)

Banach Center Publications

Our concern is with the group of conformal transformations of a finite-dimensional real quadratic space of signature (p,q), that is one that is isomorphic to p , q , the real vector space p + q , furnished with the quadratic form x ( 2 ) = x · x = - x 1 2 - x 2 2 - . . . - x p 2 + x p + 1 2 + . . . + x p + q 2 , and especially with a description of this group that involves Clifford algebras.

A variant of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix

Emrah Kılıç, Ilker Akkus, Gonca Kızılaslan (2015)

Special Matrices

Recently Prodinger [8] considered the reciprocal super Catalan matrix and gave explicit formulæ for its LU-decomposition, the LU-decomposition of its inverse, and obtained some related matrices. For all results, q-analogues were also presented. In this paper, we define and study a variant of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix with two additional parameters. Explicit formulæ for its LU-decomposition, LUdecomposition of its inverse and the Cholesky decomposition are obtained. For all results, q-analogues...

A well-conditioned integral equation for iterative solution of scattering problems with a variable Leontovitch boundary condition

Sébastien Pernet (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The construction of a well-conditioned integral equation for iterative solution of scattering problems with a variable Leontovitch boundary condition is proposed. A suitable parametrix is obtained by using a new unknown and an approximation of the transparency condition. We prove the well-posedness of the equation for any wavenumber. Finally, some numerical comparisons with well-tried method prove the efficiency of the new formulation.

Abelian differential modes are quasi-affine

David Stanovský (2012)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study a class of strongly solvable modes, called differential modes. We characterize abelian algebras in this class and prove that all of them are quasi-affine, i.e., they are subreducts of modules over commutative rings.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 456