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The theory and applications of complex matrix scalings

Rajesh Pereira, Joanna Boneng (2014)

Special Matrices

We generalize the theory of positive diagonal scalings of real positive definite matrices to complex diagonal scalings of complex positive definite matrices. A matrix A is a diagonal scaling of a positive definite matrix M if there exists an invertible complex diagonal matrix D such that A = D*MD and where every row and every column of A sums to one. We look at some of the key properties of complex diagonal scalings and we conjecture that every n by n positive definite matrix has at most 2n−1 scalings...

The Wigner semi-circle law and the Heisenberg group

Jacques Faraut, Linda Saal (2007)

Banach Center Publications

The Wigner Theorem states that the statistical distribution of the eigenvalues of a random Hermitian matrix converges to the semi-circular law as the dimension goes to infinity. It is possible to establish this result by using harmonic analysis on the Heisenberg group. In fact this convergence corresponds to the topology of the set of spherical functions associated to the action of the unitary group on the Heisenberg group.

Theorems of the alternative for cones and Lyapunov regularity of matrices

Bryan Cain, Daniel Hershkowitz, Hans Schneider (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Standard facts about separating linear functionals will be used to determine how two cones C and D and their duals C * and D * may overlap. When T V W is linear and K V and D W are cones, these results will be applied to C = T ( K ) and D , giving a unified treatment of several theorems of the alternate which explain when C contains an interior point of D . The case when V = W is the space H of n × n Hermitian matrices, D is the n × n positive semidefinite matrices, and T ( X ) = A X + X * A yields new and known results about the existence of block diagonal...

Tilings associated with non-Pisot matrices

Maki Furukado, Shunji Ito, E. Arthur Robinson (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Suppose A G l d ( ) has a 2-dimensional expanding subspace E u , satisfies a regularity condition, called “good star”, and has A * 0 , where A * is an oriented compound of A . A morphism θ of the free group on { 1 , 2 , , d } is called a non-abelianization of A if it has structure matrix A . We show that there is a tiling substitution Θ whose “boundary substitution” θ = Θ is a non-abelianization of A . Such a tiling substitution Θ leads to a self-affine tiling of E u 2 with A u : = A | E u G L 2 ( ) as its expansion. In the last section we find conditions on A so...

Transformación de principios de consistencia aleatorios en determinísticos.

Miguel Sanchez García, Antonio Pérez, M.ª Josefa Domench (1988)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En la Teoría de la Decisión en Grupo, cuando los expertos emiten su información sobre los objetos de una manera probabilística, se pueden construir Principios de Consistencia que satisfagan los cinco principios de racionalidad y no sean dictatoriales [ver Sánchez-Pérez-Domench (1986)].Partiendo de esta situación, en el presente artículo se analizan y proponen diferentes métodos y algoritmos para transformar relaciones sociales aleatorias en determinísticas, continuando y completando así investigaciones...

Transforming stochastic matrices for stochastic comparison with the st-order

Tuğrul Dayar, Jean-Michel Fourneau, Nihal Pekergin (2003)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We present a transformation for stochastic matrices and analyze the effects of using it in stochastic comparison with the strong stochastic (st) order. We show that unless the given stochastic matrix is row diagonally dominant, the transformed matrix provides better st bounds on the steady state probability distribution.

Transforming stochastic matrices for stochastic comparison with the st-order

Tuğrul Dayar, Jean-Michel Fourneau, Nihal Pekergin (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We present a transformation for stochastic matrices and analyze the effects of using it in stochastic comparison with the strong stochastic (st) order. We show that unless the given stochastic matrix is row diagonally dominant, the transformed matrix provides better st bounds on the steady state probability distribution.

Triangular stochastic matrices generated by infinitesimal elements

Inheung Chon, Hyesung Min (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that each element in the semigroup S n of all n × n non-singular upper (or lower) triangular stochastic matrices is generated by the infinitesimal elements of S n , which form a cone consisting of all n × n upper (or lower) triangular intensity matrices.

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