A non-commutative minimally non-Noetherian ring.
The weak radical, W-Rad(A) of a non-associative algebra A, has been introduced by A. Rodríguez Palacios in [3] in order to generalize the Johnson's uniqueness of norm theorem to general complete normed non-associative algebras (see also [2] for another application of this notion). In [4], he showed that if A is a semiprime non-associative algebra with DCC on ideals, then W-Rad(A) = 0. In the first part of this paper we give an example of a non-semiprime associative algebra A with DCC on ideals and...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 16W25.We reduce the Nowicki conjecture on Weitzenböck derivations of polynomial algebras to a well known problem of classical invariant theory.
Many infinite finitely generated ideal-simple commutative semirings are additively idempotent. It is not clear whether this is true in general. However, to solve the problem, one can restrict oneself only to parasemifields.
We study the free complexification operation for compact quantum groups, . We prove that, with suitable definitions, this induces a one-to-one correspondence between free orthogonal quantum groups of infinite level, and free unitary quantum groups satisfying .