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Laura algebras and quasi-directed components

Marcelo Lanzilotta, David Smith (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using a notion of distance between indecomposable modules we deduce new characterizations of laura algebras and quasi-directed Auslander-Reiten components. Afterwards, we investigate the infinite radical of Artin algebras and show that there exist infinitely many non-directing modules between two indecomposable modules X and Y if r a d A ( X , Y ) 0 . We draw as inference that a convex component is quasi-directed if and only if it is almost directed.

Lazy 2-cocycles over monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras

Xiaofan Zhao, Xiaohui Zhang (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce the notion of a lazy 2-cocycle over a monoidal Hom-Hopf algebra and determine all lazy 2-cocycles for a class of monoidal Hom-Hopf algebras. We also study the extension of lazy 2-cocycles to a Radford Hom-biproduct.

Le foncteur V 𝔽 2 [ V ] 3 entre 𝔽 2 -espaces vectoriels est noethérien

Aurélien Djament (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Les foncteurs entre espaces vectoriels, ou représentations génériques des groupes linéaires d’après Kuhn, interviennent en topologie algébrique et en K -théorie comme en théorie des représentations. Nous présentons ici une nouvelle méthode pour aborder les problèmes de finitude et la dimension de Krull dans ce contexte.Plus précisément, nous démontrons que, dans la catégorie des foncteurs entre espaces vectoriels sur 𝔽 2 , le produit tensoriel entre P 3 , où P désigne le foncteur projectif V 𝔽 2 [ V ] , et un foncteur...

Left APP-property of formal power series rings

Zhongkui Liu, Xiao Yan Yang (2008)

Archivum Mathematicum

A ring R is called a left APP-ring if the left annihilator l R ( R a ) is right s -unital as an ideal of R for any element a R . We consider left APP-property of the skew formal power series ring R [ [ x ; α ] ] where α is a ring automorphism of R . It is shown that if R is a ring satisfying descending chain condition on right annihilators then R [ [ x ; α ] ] is left APP if and only if for any sequence ( b 0 , b 1 , ) of elements of R the ideal l R ...

Left EM rings

Jongwook Baeck (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R [ x ] be the polynomial ring over a ring R with unity. A polynomial f ( x ) R [ x ] is referred to as a left annihilating content polynomial (left ACP) if there exist an element r R and a polynomial g ( x ) R [ x ] such that f ( x ) = r g ( x ) and g ( x ) is not a right zero-divisor polynomial in R [ x ] . A ring R is referred to as left EM if each polynomial f ( x ) R [ x ] is a left ACP. We observe the structure of left EM rings with various properties, and study the relationships between the one-sided EM condition and other standard ring theoretic conditions. Moreover,...

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