On some formulas in the Hall algebra of the Kronecker algebra.
Assume that k is a field of characteristic different from 2. We show that if Γ is a strongly simply connected k-algebra of non-polynomial growth, then there exists a special family of pointed Γ-modules, called an independent pair of dense chains of pointed modules. Then it follows by a result of Ziegler that Γ admits a super-decomposable pure-injective module if k is a countable field.
Let Λ be a tubular algebra over an arbitrary base field. We study the Grothendieck group , endowed with the Euler form, and its automorphism group on a purely K-theoretical level as in [7]. Our results serve as tools for classifying the separating tubular families of tubular algebras as in the example [5] and for determining the automorphism group of the derived category of Λ.
The representation type of tensor product algebras of finite-dimensional algebras is considered. The characterization of algebras A, B such that A ⊗ B is of tame representation type is given in terms of the Gabriel quivers of the algebras A, B.
The aim of this note is to give an affirmative answer to a problem raised in [9] by J. Nehring and A. Skowroński, concerning the number of nonstable ℙ₁(K)-families of quasi-tubes in the Auslander-Reiten quivers of the trivial extensions of tubular algebras over algebraically closed fields K.
Let k be a field of characteristic different from 2. We consider two important tame non-polynomial growth algebras: the incidence k-algebra of the garland 𝒢₃ of length 3 and the incidence k-algebra of the enlargement of the Nazarova-Zavadskij poset 𝒩 𝓩 by a greatest element. We show that if Λ is one of these algebras, then there exists a special family of pointed Λ-modules, called an independent pair of dense chains of pointed modules. Hence, by a result of Ziegler, Λ admits a super-decomposable...
We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a wing of an Auslander-Reiten quiver of a selfinjective algebra to be the wing of the radical of an indecomposable projective module. Moreover, a characterization of indecomposable Nakayama algebras of Loewy length ≥ 3 is obtained.
We classify one-directed indecomposable pure injective modules over finite-dimensional string algebras.