A categorical approach to integration.
We introduce the concept of firm classes of morphisms as basis for the axiomatic study of completions of objects in arbitrary categories. Results on objects injective with respect to given morphism classes are included. In a finitely well-complete category, firm classes are precisely the coessential first factors of morphism factorization structures.
We continue in the direction of the ideas from the Zhang’s paper [Z] about a relationship between Chu spaces and Formal Concept Analysis. We modify this categorical point of view at a classical concept lattice to a generalized concept lattice (in the sense of Krajči [K1]): We define generalized Chu spaces and show that they together with (a special type of) their morphisms form a category. Moreover we define corresponding modifications of the image / inverse image operator and show their commutativity...
We give a graphical calculus for a monoidal DG category ℐ whose Grothendieck group is isomorphic to the ring ℤ[√(-1)]. We construct a categorical action of ℐ which lifts the action of ℤ[√(-1)] on ℤ².
We complete the characterization of Ext(G,ℤ) for any torsion-free abelian group G assuming Gödel’s axiom of constructibility plus there is no weakly compact cardinal. In particular, we prove in (V = L) that, for a singular cardinal ν of uncountable cofinality which is less than the first weakly compact cardinal and for every sequence of cardinals satisfying (where Π is the set of all primes), there is a torsion-free abelian group G of size ν such that equals the p-rank of Ext(G,ℤ) for every...
We develop a machinery of Chen iterated integrals for higher Hochschild complexes. These are complexes whose differentials are modeled on an arbitrary simplicial set much in the same way the ordinary Hochschild differential is modeled on the circle. We use these to give algebraic models for general mapping spaces and define and study the surface product operation on the homology of mapping spaces of surfaces of all genera into a manifold. This is an analogue of the loop product in string topology....
We show that every small homotopy functor from spectra to spectra is weakly equivalent to a filtered colimit of representable functors represented in cofibrant spectra. Moreover, we present this classification as a Quillen equivalence of the category of small functors from spectra to spectra equipped with the homotopy model structure and the opposite of the pro-category of spectra with the strict model structure.