On full embeddings of concrete categories with respect to forgetful functors
The paper considers a fuzzification of the notion of quantaloid of K. I. Rosenthal, which replaces enrichment in the category of -semilattices with that in the category of modules over a given unital commutative quantale. The resulting structures are called quantale algebroids. We show that their constitute a monadic category and prove a representation theorem for them using the notion of nucleus adjusted for our needs. We also characterize the lattice of nuclei on a free quantale algebroid. At...
Let be a finite group. It was observed by L.S. Scull that the original definition of the equivariant minimality in the -connected case is incorrect because of an error concerning algebraic properties. In the -disconnected case the orbit category was originally replaced by the category with one object for each component of each fixed point simplicial subsets of a -simplicial set , for all subgroups . We redefine the equivariant minimality and redevelop some results on the rational homotopy...
This is the second part of A. Piękosz [Ann. Polon. Math. 107 (2013), 217-241]. The categories GTS(M), with M a non-empty set, are shown to be topological. Several related categories are proved to be finitely complete. Locally small and nice weakly small spaces can be described using certain sublattices of power sets. Some important elements of the theory of locally definable and weakly definable spaces are reconstructed in a wide context of structures with topologies.
It is shown that the quotient maps of a monotopological construct A which are preserved by pullbacks along embeddings, projections, or arbitrary morphisms, can be characterized by being quotient maps in appropriate extensions of A.