A higher dimensional homotopy sequence.
Leibniz algebras are a non-commutative version of usual Lie algebras. We introduce a notion of (pre)crossed Leibniz algebra which is a simultaneous generalization of notions of representation and two-sided ideal of a Leibniz algebra. We construct the Leibniz algebra of biderivations on crossed Leibniz algebras and we define a non-abelian tensor product of Leibniz algebras. These two notions are adjoint to each other. A (co)homological characterization of these new algebraic objects enables us to...
We extend the definition of Hochschild and cyclic homologies of a scheme over a commutative ring k to define the Hochschild homologies HH⁎(X/S) and cyclic homologies HC⁎(X/S) of a scheme X with respect to an arbitrary base scheme S. Our main purpose is to study product structures on the Hochschild homology groups HH⁎(X/S). In particular, we show that carries the structure of a graded algebra.