Absolute irreducibility for finitary linear groups
We study actions of finitely generated groups on -trees under some stability hypotheses. We prove that either the group splits over some controlled subgroup (fixing an arc in particular), or the action can be obtained by gluing together actions of simple types: actions on simplicial trees, actions on lines, and actions coming from measured foliations on -orbifolds. This extends results by Sela and Rips-Sela. However, their results are misstated, and we give a counterexample to their statements.The...
Given a generating family F of subgroups of a group G closed under conjugation and with partial order compatible with inclusion, a new group S can be constructed, taking into account the multiplication in the subgroups and their mutual actions given by conjugation. The group S is called the active sum of F, has G as a homomorph and is such that S/Z(S) ≅ G/Z(G) where Z denotes the center.The basic question we investigate in this paper is: when is the active sum S of the family F isomorphic to the...
We prove that with probability tending to 1, a one-relator group with at least three generators and the relator of length is residually finite, is a virtually residually (finite -)group for all sufficiently large , and is coherent. The proof uses both combinatorial group theory and non-trivial results about Brownian motions.