On transitivity of pronormality
This article is dedicated to soluble groups, in which pronormality is a transitive relation. Complete description of such groups is obtained.
This article is dedicated to soluble groups, in which pronormality is a transitive relation. Complete description of such groups is obtained.
We describe the finite groups satisfying one of the following conditions: all maximal subgroups permute with all subnormal subgroups, (2) all maximal subgroups and all Sylow -subgroups for permute with all subnormal subgroups.
We establish the lower bound , for the large times asymptotic behaviours of the probabilities of return to the origin at even times , for random walks associated with finite symmetric generating sets of solvable groups of finite Prüfer rank. (A group has finite Prüfer rank if there is an integer , such that any of its finitely generated subgroup admits a generating set of cardinality less or equal to .)
In this note we determine explicit formulas for the relative commutator of groups with respect to the subvarieties of -nilpotent groups and of -solvable groups. In particular these formulas give a characterization of the extensions of groups that are central relatively to these subvarieties.
Si studiano i gruppi risolubili non di Černikov a quozienti propri di Černikov. Nel caso periodico tali gruppi sono tutti e soli i prodotti semidiretti con -gruppo abeliano elementare infinito e gruppo irriducibile di automorfismi di che sia infinito e di Černikov. Nel caso non periodico invece si riconduce tale studio a quello dei moduli a quozienti...
We characterize the solvable groups without infinite properly ascending chains of non-BFC subgroups and prove that a non-BFC group with a descending chain whose factors are finite or abelian is a Cernikov group or has an infinite properly descending chain of non-BFC subgroups.