Displaying 61 – 80 of 140

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Le groupe d'automorphismes du groupe modulaire

Tambekou Roger Tchangang (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Le but de cet article est de donner une autre démonstration plus simple du théorème d’Ivanov (Théorème 1) qui assure que le groupe M g * de toutes les difféotopies d’une surface F g orientable et fermée de genre g 2 est complet. En étudiant l’action d’un automorphisme quelconque du groupe M g * sur les difféotopies d’ordre fini, on montre que les involutions hyperelliptiques sont globalement préservées. Le théorème d’Ivanov est alors une conséquence d’un résultat de Dyer et Grossmann qui affirm que le groupe...

Left-Garside categories, self-distributivity, and braids

Patrick Dehornoy (2009)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In connection with the emerging theory of Garside categories, we develop the notions of a left-Garside category and of a locally left-Garside monoid. In this framework, the relationship between the self-distributivity law LD and braids amounts to the result that a certain category associated with LD is a left-Garside category, which projects onto the standard Garside category of braids. This approach leads to a realistic program for establishing the Embedding Conjecture of [Dehornoy, Braids and...

Lifting of homeomorphisms to branched coverings of a disk

Bronisław Wajnryb, Agnieszka Wiśniowska-Wajnryb (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider a simple, possibly disconnected, d-sheeted branched covering π of a closed 2-dimensional disk D by a surface X. The isotopy classes of homeomorphisms of D which are pointwise fixed on the boundary of D and permute the branch values, form the braid group Bₙ, where n is the number of branch values. Some of these homeomorphisms can be lifted to homeomorphisms of X which fix pointwise the fiber over the base point. They form a subgroup L π of finite index in Bₙ. For each equivalence class...

Minimal length coset representatives for quotients of parabolic subgroups in Coxeter groups

Fabio Stumbo (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo lavoro viene trovata un'espressione esplicita per i rappresentanti dei laterali di sottogrupi parabolici di gruppi di Coxeter aventi lunghezza minima: dato un sistema di Coxeter W , S ed un suo sottogruppo parabolico W I , I , con I S , si determina esplicitamente in ogni laterale W I w di W I un elemento avente lunghezza minima. Nella sezione 2 trattiamo i casi classici, i.e. W = A n , B n e D n . Dopo ciò, nella sezione 3, diamo una procedura per risolvere il problema nei restanti casi eccezionali, insieme a qualche...

Noncommutative independence in the infinite braid and symmetric group

Rolf Gohm, Claus Köstler (2011)

Banach Center Publications

This is an introductory paper about our recent merge of a noncommutative de Finetti type result with representations of the infinite braid and symmetric group which allows us to derive factorization properties from symmetries. We explain some of the main ideas of this approach and work out a constructive procedure to use in applications. Finally we illustrate the method by applying it to the theory of group characters.

Non-standard automorphisms of branched coverings of a disk and a sphere

Bronisław Wajnryb, Agnieszka Wiśniowska-Wajnryb (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let Y be a closed 2-dimensional disk or a 2-sphere. We consider a simple, d-sheeted branched covering π: X → Y. We fix a base point A₀ in Y (A₀ ∈ ∂Y if Y is a disk). We consider the homeomorphisms h of Y which fix ∂Y pointwise and lift to homeomorphisms ϕ of X-the automorphisms of π. We prove that if Y is a sphere then every such ϕ is isotopic by a fiber-preserving isotopy to an automorphism which fixes the fiber π - 1 ( A ) pointwise. If Y is a disk, we describe explicitly a small set of automorphisms of...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 140