-Wakimoto modules and integral formulae of solutions of the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations.
We provide a novel construction of quantized universal enveloping -algebras of real semisimple Lie algebras, based on Letzter’s theory of quantum symmetric pairs. We show that these structures can be ‘integrated’, leading to a quantization of the group C-algebra of an arbitrary semisimple algebraic real Lie group.
We describe how the constructions of quantum homogeneous spaces using infinitesimal invariance and quantum coisotropic subgroups are related. As an example we recover the quantum 4-sphere of [2] through infinitesimal invariance with respect to .
We review the formulation and proof of the Baum-Connes conjecture for the dual of the quantum group of Woronowicz. As an illustration of this result we determine the K-groups of quantum automorphism groups of simple matrix algebras.
Soient un corps global, un -tore, un ensemble fini de places de . On note le complété de en . Soit , resp. , le groupe des points -rationnels, resp. -rationnels, de . Notons le sous-groupe compact maximal. Nous montrons que pour et convenables l’application induite par l’application diagonale n’est pas surjective. Cela implique que pour convenable le groupe ne couvre pas forcément toutes les classes de -équivalence de . Lorsque est un corps de fonctions d’une variable...
Given a tuple of irreducible characters of we define a star-shaped quiver together with a dimension vector . Assume that is generic. Our first result is a formula which expresses the multiplicity of the trivial character in the tensor product as the trace of the action of some Weyl group on the intersection cohomology of some (non-affine) quiver varieties associated to . The existence of such a quiver variety is subject to some condition. Assuming that this condition is satisfied, we...
The cohomology of Nakajima’s varieties is known to carry a natural Weyl group action. Here this fact is established using the method of intersection cohomology, in analogy with the definition of Springer’s representations.
Soit l’ensemble des points d’un groupe algébrique semi-simple connexe de rang relatif un sur un corps local ultramétrique. Nous décrivons tous les sous-groupes discrets de type fini sans torsion de qui agissent proprement et cocompactement sur par multiplication à gauche et à droite. Nous montrons qu’après une petite déformation dans un tel sous-groupe agit encore librement, proprement discontinûment et cocompactement sur .