The -curvature of homogeneous -metrics.
We find the minimal real number k such that the kth power of the Fourier transform of any continuous, orbital measure on a classical, compact Lie group belongs to l2. This results from an investigation of the pointwise behaviour of characters on these groups. An application is given to the study of Lp-improving measures.
Pointwise upper bounds for characters of compact, connected, simple Lie groups are obtained which enable one to prove that if μ is any central, continuous measure and n exceeds half the dimension of the Lie group, then . When μ is a continuous, orbital measure then is seen to belong to . Lower bounds on the p-norms of characters are also obtained, and are used to show that, as in the abelian case, m-fold products of Sidon sets are not p-Sidon if p < 2m/(m+1).
Nous étudions le comportement à l’infini des intégrales de Poisson liées aux groupes de déplacements de Cartan.