Left cells and domino tableaux in classical Weyl groups
We use the properties of to construct functions associated with the elements of the lagrangian grassmannian (n) which generalize the Maslov index on Mp(n) defined by J. Leray in his “Lagrangian Analysis”. We deduce from these constructions the identity between and a subset of , equipped with appropriate algebraic and topological structures.
We reduce the problem on multiplicities of simple subquotients in an -stratified generalized Verma module to the analogous problem for classical Verma modules.
We discuss some aspects of the composition structure of twisted Verma modules for the Lie algebra , including the explicit structure of singular vectors for both and one of its Lie subalgebras , and also of their generators. Our analysis is based on the use of partial Fourier tranform applied to the realization of twisted Verma modules as -modules on the Schubert cells in the full flag manifold for .