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Some dimensional results for a class of special homogeneous Moran sets

Xiaomei Hu (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We construct a class of special homogeneous Moran sets, called { m k } -quasi homogeneous Cantor sets, and discuss their Hausdorff dimensions. By adjusting the value of { m k } k 1 , we constructively prove the intermediate value theorem for the homogeneous Moran set. Moreover, we obtain a sufficient condition for the Hausdorff dimension of homogeneous Moran sets to assume the minimum value, which expands earlier works.

Some properties of packing measure with doubling gauge

Sheng-You Wen, Zhi-Ying Wen (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let g be a doubling gauge. We consider the packing measure g and the packing premeasure g in a metric space X. We first show that if g ( X ) is finite, then as a function of X, g has a kind of “outer regularity”. Then we prove that if X is complete separable, then λ s u p g ( F ) g ( B ) s u p g ( F ) for every Borel subset B of X, where the supremum is taken over all compact subsets of B having finite g -premeasure, and λ is a positive number depending only on the doubling gauge g. As an application, we show that for every doubling gauge...

Spaces of generalized smoothness on h-sets and related Dirichlet forms

V. Knopova, M. Zähle (2006)

Studia Mathematica

The paper is devoted to spaces of generalized smoothness on so-called h-sets. First we find quarkonial representations of isotropic spaces of generalized smoothness on ℝⁿ and on an h-set. Then we investigate representations of such spaces via differences, which are very helpful when we want to find an explicit representation of the domain of a Dirichlet form on h-sets. We prove that both representations are equivalent, and also find the domain of some time-changed Dirichlet form on an h-set.

Structure fractals and para-quaternionic geometry

Julian Ławrynowicz, Massimo Vaccaro (2011)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

It is well known that starting with real structure, the Cayley-Dickson process gives complex, quaternionic, and octonionic (Cayley) structures related to the Adolf Hurwitz composition formula for dimensions p = 2, 4 and 8, respectively, but the procedure fails for p = 16 in the sense that the composition formula involves no more a triple of quadratic forms of the same dimension; the other two dimensions are n = 27. Instead, Ławrynowicz and Suzuki (2001) have considered graded fractal bundles of...

Sufficient conditions for the spectrality of self-affine measures with prime determinant

Jian-Lin Li (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let μ M , D be a self-affine measure associated with an expanding matrix M and a finite digit set D. We study the spectrality of μ M , D when |det(M)| = |D| = p is a prime. We obtain several new sufficient conditions on M and D for μ M , D to be a spectral measure with lattice spectrum. As an application, we present some properties of the digit sets of integral self-affine tiles, which are connected with a conjecture of Lagarias and Wang.

Système dynamique à spectre discret et pavage périodique associé à une substitution

Anne Siegel (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On donne une condition combinatoire effective suffisante pour que le sytème dynamique associé à une substitution de type Pisot ait un spectre purement discret. Dans le cas unimodulaire, cette condition est nécessaire dès que la substitution n'a qu'un cobord trivial ; elle est vérifiée si et seulement si le fractal de Rauzy associé à la substitution engendre un pavage auto-similaire et périodique. On en déduit des conditions de connexité des fractals de Rauzy.

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